Make a booking

To reserve a place at Taniaburg, we would like you to use our reservation form. You can find this under this button:

PLEASE NOTE: during the period of February 13 and February 21 we cannot be reached by e-mail and telephone. You can of course submit your request, you can expect an answer from us after February 21!

This does not make your application final. The application will be processed as quickly as possible and you will receive a final confirmation by e-mail.

Our general terms and conditions apply to all final confirmations.

You can always email us requests that deviate from the standard to

Would you rather not commit to a definitive reservation? You are also welcome with us without it. Come drive by on spec and we will see on site whether we have a suitable spot available for you.


Before you make a request for our apartment or one of the guest rooms, check the calendars below for availability.